Away from Here
Away from Here2011, Project Space Sarubia, Seouㅣ
Away from Here2011, Project Space Sarubia, Seouㅣ
I built a shack made out of wooden boards. There is a shopping cart full of ping-pong balls that are periodically fired toward those tiny holes. (most of the balls do not make it into a hole) Along with this system, the viewers hear the voice of news anchor that I collected and edited over a year. They might hear about a solar explosion, a UFO, natural disasters, weird situations and so on. On the other side of the shack, I put in various objects that I have collected from my neighborhood: fragment of a table leg, broken ornaments, missing pieces from discarded objects that they all have their own history. Among these objects, there is a sculpture that repeated replay a racetrack, a telephone suggesting a situation that is neither good nor bad, and fragile objects trying to scoop up water from discarded pots. The repetitive voices seem incomplete. I named these objects as “the ones that don’t know how to cry.”